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Перевод: PCB speek PCB

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  1. This board is available from the EE PCB Service , code EE798.
  2. This board can be purchased from the EE PCB Service code EE792), but you might want to make it yourself!
  3. Almost 80 per cent of the female seals in the Baltic are known to be sterile, primarily as a result of PCB poisoning, and by the year 2000, grey seals in the Baltic may well have become extinct.
  4. The PCB content is less than one-fiftieth of the American breathing air standard.
  5. A special PCB SALE (while stocks last) - boards of EE projects
  6. PCB residues in the blubber of the California bottlenose dolphin also exceeded previously published concentrations for cetaceans from all other parts of the world, except perhaps the Mediterranean coast of France, which have been reported to have a maximum concentration of over 2500 ppm.
  7. The fact is that in the world of switch-mode power supplies (and it is a very large world indeed, covering PCB, mainframe computers, electronic telephone exchanges, military equipment, aerospace, and more besides) it is rare to come across a Cuk converter.
  8. This board is available from the EE PCB Service , code EE799.
  9. DDT and PCB levels in the blubber of a few porpoises from eastern Scotland analysed in 1967 were considerably higher than in seals from the same area.
  10. Most, except the PCB burners, have since closed.
  11. At least one study has suggested that high PCB levels in mothers' milk is linked with a higher-than-normal incidence of haemolytic disease, a blood disorder.
  12. Regular soil and grass tests showed no difference between PCB contamination in the immediate area and elsewhere in Wales - though there are no established "safe" levels for these.
  13. A special PCB SALE (while stocks last) - boards for EE projects

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