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Перевод: penetrating speek penetrating

острый; проницательный; прозорливый; с острым умом; пронзительный; резкий; пенетрирующий; проникающий


  1. What I call the "auditory imagination" is the feeling for syllable and rhythm, penetrating far below the conscious levels of thought and feeling, invigorating every word; sinking to the most primitive and forgotten, returning to the origin and bringing something back, seeking the beginning and the end.
  2. But then again, a penetrating light: a group of young men with carbines over their shoulders marching through the foothills of Mount Lebanon.
  3. Now Otto Gottlieb, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Sao Paulo, and Walter Mors, a Brazilian specialist in the chemistry of natural products, have drawn attention to a possible new approach: chemicals to stop larvae penetrating the skin.
  4. Modigliani's penetrating artistic judgement and his talent for graphology made him "a sort of magician".
  5. It is rather like warfare, the seesaw of offensive and defensive, of tank armour and the high-velocity penetrating bullet.
  6. When wood is coloured with a penetrating dye and then sealed with a transparent finish, there is no change in colour, other than after the first coat of finish has been applied, whereas with an exterior type of wood stain, each extra coat will make the surface deeper in colour.
  7. And - not having a big ego to get in the way - viewing the world and its inhabitants with a penetrating intelligence.
  8. They were to be induced to carry out "hostile activities on Soviet territory with the help of foreigners penetrating into Tadjikistan across the border".
  9. A concrete "burster slab" over each bunker will stop conventional bombs from penetrating.
  10. The east-west lines of sea lochs penetrating inland from the Minch, and the straits dividing the islands from each other interrupt the arcuate sweep of the chain of islands.
  11. Scientists have been penetrating areas beyond human senses, and they have developed more and more devices to augment our senses in order that we may see into the heart of matter or reach the ends of the universe.
  12. It is important that if wood is being dyed, areas round joints are completely free from any glue, as this will prevent the dye penetrating and will leave a lightercoloured patch.
  13. It had begun to rain: the kind of damp, penetrating drizzle that chills you to the bone.

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