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Перевод: penmanship speek penmanship

каллиграфия ; чистописание; стиль писателя; манера писателя; почерк


  1. In 1711 he produced handwriting plates included in Penmanship in its Utmost Beauty and Extent (1731), by George Bickham q.v..
  2. Johnson also enjoyed catching sight of ancient texts in Aberdeen - a Hebrew manuscript "of exquisite penmanship", and "a Latin translation of Aristotle's Politicks by Leonardus Aretinus, written in the Roman character with nicety and beauty, which, as the art of printing has made them no longer necessary, are not now to be found".
  3. The Spirit of the Letter pays a good deal of attention to the vellum / scribe / fine penmanship side of the lettering question.
  4. Today, the electronic typewriter with its daisy-wheel printer, and the personal computer with its ink jet dot-matrix printer, have probably put an end to developments in handwriting, although many people are now studying and practising the art of good penmanship, and the term a "fine Italian hand" may yet be restored to its original meaning.
  5. In the centuries following the Conquest there gradually developed separate styles of penmanship for the two main purposes for which calligraphy was employed.
  6. She saw that it was a working diagram, precisely drawn, but decorative because of its delicate penmanship.
  7. It is known that Freemantle criticized "An Essay on Woman" when it was written; apart from concerns with Leapor's penmanship, it seems that she objected to the description of a miser and the reflections on wealth which follow.
  8. Of my writing you will form a more correct idea when you see my specimen of Penmanship, which I hope will afford you much pleasure, for my endeavours have not been deficient to render it deserving of your esteem.
  9. He connects large sheets of handmade paper into vast surfaces (one of his works is six by fourteen feet) and then copies out texts onto them in long, continuing penmanship.

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