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Перевод: perfectibility speek perfectibility

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  1. Human beings have made so much progress since the beginnings of civilization, says Godwin, that nothing can now hinder the ultimate goal - the perfectibility of man.
  2. Variants of social Darwinism were used to authorize British competition with other nations, attempts at racial perfectibility, and preferred notions of essential human subjectivity.
  3. The truth, both for Owen and Marx, is likely to be this: that in the pervasive optimism of the time, it was natural for the revolutionary to suppose that the change to usher in the new order was at hand, whether prompted by an Owenite vision of human perfectibility or by the culminatory movement of the perfecting Marxist dialectical materialism.
  4. The difficulty of becoming vividly aware of the worst without having a positive taste for it may be illustrated by listing underminers of eighteenth century faith in human perfectibility who have earned our thanks by laying the ground for a view of life reconcilable with the trenches, bombs and concentration camps of our own era - Sade, Maistre, Baudelaire, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Freud.
  5. It is pleasant to find that this believer in the perfectibility of mankind was a good father to them all.
  6. The great stations stand, if they do still stand, as towering monuments to that belief, public meeting-places where faith in the perfectibility of man by his own ingenuity and the blessing of a divine providence was daily affirmed.
  7. "Like the council," said Constance, "benefactors of humanity and kidding themselves about the perfectibility of man - silly bastards."
  8. But because these social theorists recognized the possibility of a stage-by-stage perfectibility of human society, they implicitly thought of culture as superimposed upon nature.
  9. Because of this faith in the perfectibility of man, liberalism fostered a great belief in progress - history was seen as the emancipation of mankind from ignorance, taboos, constraints, crime and war through the process of education and increasing material prosperity.
  10. The root of so-called "democratic theory" is not the rationalist optimism about the perfectibility of human society, but scepticism about the possibility of such perfection and the determination not to allow human life to be perverted by the tyranny of a person or fixed by the tyranny of an idea.

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