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Перевод: Philippines speek Philippines

[имя собственное]
Филиппины [геогр.]


  1. And unlike Hong Kong, the Philippines is ill prepared for floods, high winds and landslips, and there is invariably much loss of life, generally ignored by the rest of the uninterested world.
  2. UK exports to Asean nations - Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and Brunei - have been booming: up by an annual compound 13.6 per cent, to 2.6 billion since 1985.
  3. Philippines
  4. Even more amazing, he is alleged to have told confidants before he died last month that, far from being the spoils of two decades of looting the Treasury, he had found the 400 tons of bullion just after the war in a northern province of the Philippines.
  5. The final report of the Consultation on Global Communication and Justice, held in the Philippines in January, has been published by Intermedia of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA.
  6. This decision eliminated all but the following thirteen countries: Australia, Britain, Canada, Denmark, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, The Philippines, South Africa, Uganda, the USA and West Germany.
  7. The Philippines consul in Hawaii has mounted a guard at the mausoleum to make sure the body is not moved without Manila's approval.
  8. Mr Conjuanco is a former Marcos crony and head of the San Miguel brewery, the Philippines' biggest company.
  9. To this end, they have come together under the umbrella of the Negros Ecumenical Endeavour for Development (NEED), an institution that was formed in 1979 to serve deprived and oppressed communities in the central islands of the Philippines, including Negros.
  10. Philippines , Malaysia.
  11. Whether in Ghana, the Philippines, Peru, Poland, India or Brazil, the same inflexible, totalising and unreasonable prescriptions are proffered by the experts of the IMF and the World Bank; the aims of Gatt are to impose the same programmes - "macro-economic correctives", "structural adjustment plans" - a more intensive use of resources, more exploitation of the people, a competitive demolition of the very elements of life, in order that countries may "survive" the universal reign of the market.
  12. Raper's last known address was Quezon City in the Philippines though he is now thought to be in Switzerland.
  13. Between the two shelves lay Celebes (now Sulawesi), the Lesser Sunda islands, the Moluccas and the Philippines.

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