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Перевод: phantasmal speek phantasmal



  1. Or is I come to you just a projection from the voice of the Enemy, saying to Frodo what he wants to hear, putting words in the mouth but not in the heart, creating ugly fictions as he does later with the phantasmal corpses of the Dead Marshes?
  2. Where his friend Charles Williams had achieved only phantasmal fictions that struggled implausibly to marry realism and the supernatural, Lewis turned that improbable formula into stories that compel attention.
  3. It means following the ignis fatuus , the "will o" the wisp' that traditionally leads travellers into bog or quicksand; an analogue to the multiple wanderings of Book 111 is Frodo staring at the corpse-candles in chapter 2 of Book IV, to be warned by Gollum not to heed them, or the dead, rotten, phantasmal faces in the marshes below: "Or hobbits go down to join the Dead ones and light little candles.

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