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Перевод: photosynthesis speek photosynthesis



  1. Note incidentally, that the term "photosynthesis" applies to two different processes: first, the splitting of water; and second, the joining of released hydrogen to carbon dioxide, to create organic molecules.
  2. CO 2 is also produced in huge amounts by burning fossil fuels - which of course are organic molecules built up by photosynthesis millions of years in the past.
  3. In existing plants and cyanobacteria, the two components of photosynthesis are very closely linked, and run as one smooth, continuous process.
  4. The processes by which light energy is thus harnessed are collectively called photosynthesis.
  5. And - in answer to the second question - the only reason that oxygen gas exists in such large amounts in the atmosphere today is that plants and some bacteria produce it in vast quantities through photosynthesis.
  6. The growing plant partly relies on the host tree for nutrients but it also makes its own by the usual photosynthesis.
  7. These, with certain trace elements, are taken up the woody fibres and much of the water evaporates at the leaf surfaces, while photosynthesis takes place.
  8. But then the dark of winter puts paid to photosynthesis, until the spring comes again.
  9. Before human beings (or any other animal) can make use of the energy from the Sun, that energy has first to be turned into chemical energy (that is, into complex organic molecules) by photosynthesis.
  10. Yet all but a fraction of the carbon in living things originates as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; as we will discuss below, it is turned into organic molecules by plants by the process of photosynthesis.
  11. Cacti have deep and spreading roots, store water in their stems, capture water from the air, have a reduced surface area, and practise a form of photosynthesis which requires them to open their stomata only at night (see p. 95).
  12. We will look again at photosynthesis on page 93.
  13. Echoes of the Sun - a film showing how photosynthesis turns sunlight into energy - will be shown on Imax Solido, which presents three-dimensional images in a wrap-around screen cinema.

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