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Перевод: pinhole speek pinhole

булавочное отверстие; отверстие под штифт


  1. This effect was used in the very early cameras, which did not have a lens but produced an image by admitting light through a pinhole.
  2. This is pumped around the system and is effective at sealing pinhole leaks.
  3. It was a cold morning, and a thin jet of steam rose from the pinhole vent on the coffee cup lid.
  4. This is pumped around the system and is quite effective at sealing pinhole leaks.
  5. Some kind of a fire appeared to be burning far away on the opposite shore, a tiny pinhole in the screen of night.
  6. (There used to be an old sailor's trick for getting rid of tapeworms, using a raw egg with a pinhole in one end.
  7. Bituminous waterproofers are black liquids which are simply brushed on and left to dry, and form a waterproof coating that will cure pinhole leaks in surfaces such as flat or corrugated roofs.
  8. Nancy Burson also works with a kind of pinhole camera in her case the commercially produced "Diana" box cameras of the 1940s and 50s.
  9. The reaction shown in Scheme 2 was first observed when a sample of , in an ampoule under nitrogen, was being tested for a pinhole using a Tesla discharge; the surface of the sample turned from black to brown.
  10. A temporary solution is to enlarge the pinhole, empty out the water and tie a plastic bag over the ball.
  11. The kind of fixtures that are best for this sort of accent lighting are the various types of spotlights, wallwashers, pinhole or framing projectors, as well as uplights and candles.
  12. A corroded ball can "pinhole" and start filling with water, which will increase the level of water in the cistern.
  13. She uses only the pinhole camera or, as it was known in pre-photographic times, the camera obscura.

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