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Перевод: pinto speek pinto

пегий; пятнистый;
пегая лошадь


  1. Pinto, who made a winning debut in Carpi, Portugal, in 1991, and had led his club Benfica to the European Cup, had always been at the front among a big group early on.
  2. Ken Mays on a disorderly finishon Westminster Bridge which upset pre-race planning Pinto powers home amid the confusion for unexpected win
  3. STARS: Joao Pinto, Emil Kostadinov, Daniel Timofte.
  4. As forecast, there was an unexpected men's victor with Antonio Pinto, from Portugal, who only began marathon running last year, winning in 2hr 10min 02sec.
  5. Pinto beans are a rather unattractive, dull brown colour, which is why they are generally replaced with the more attractive red beans.
  6. "By what eternal streams, Pinto
  7. Pinta (mal de pinto, carate) is caused by Treponema careatum which, like all the others, is indistinguishable from Treponema pallidum .
  8. It said pinto beans.
  9. Borlotti beans look like dark-skinned pinto beans.
  10. Sat 11 10.30am NFT2 Making of a Legend: Gone With The Wind David Hinton's behind the scenes look at "the moviest of all movies"; 10.45am NFT1 The Music Teacher Belgian portrait of a distinguished opera singer; 1.00 NFT1 Fellow Traveller Philip Saville's intriguing picture of two Hollywood friends victimised under MacCarthyism; 1.15 NFT2 Journeys Inland Documentary on the Swiss; 3.30 NFT1 Icicle Thief Italian parody on the confusion between films and commercials; 3.45 NFT2 Malpractice Australian account of medical malpractice; 6.15 NFT1 The Woman From Rose Hill Alain Tanner's examination of Swiss mores; 6.30 NFT2 Where The Sun Beats Joaquim Pinto's restrained dissection of a Portuguese land-owning family; 7.45 Dominion Safety Last See above; 8.45 NFT1 Too Beautiful For You!
  11. He received one notable fillip when, at the 10th, an elderly couple exhorted him with the idea that his would be a fine win to set alongside Antonio Pinto's success in the London Marathon.
  12. This is all wrong, as chilli should really be made with pinto beans, a member of the kidney bean family.
  13. Pinto beans have the distinction of being one of the quickest beans to cook.

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