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Перевод: pipit speek pipit

конек [зоол.] ; щеврица [зоол.]


  1. There are, therefore, "reed warbler" cuckoos, "meadow pipit" cuckoos, "pied wagtail" cuckoos and so on.
  2. RARE warbler and pipit birds from Russia and the Mediterranean have been blown off course by strong winds to Flamborough Head, Humberside.
  3. Nesting species particularly associated with this type of habitat in Sussex include Stonechat, Nightjar, and Tree Pipit.
  4. It was a splendid, memorable day, walking, fishing and simply lazing in warm June sunlight, lulled by the song of lark and meadow pipit.
  5. It does seem unfair that a wheatear or pipit, having survived all the dangers of migration, should arrive home to find a merlin has set up house in its territory!
  6. The incubation period of a cuckoo's egg is about 11 days, while that for host species is slightly longer - 12 days for the reed warbler and dunnock, 13 to 14 days for the meadow pipit, pied wagtail and redstart.
  7. Breeding bird species of these largely intertidal habitats are, not surprisingly, few, although some, particularly Redshank and Meadow Pipit, nest on the drier parts of the saltings with a few Lapwings.-; sizeable gull and tern colony exists on islands in Chichester Harbour.
  8. September is a good time to see the lovely heathers on the moor and to see birds like meadow pipit and stonechat.
  9. Also song-flighting up on the moors, the less showy meadow pipit returns during April from spending the winter in places where the weather is less severe, but its cousin the rock pipit is made of sterner stuff and spends the winter in Shetland, sharing the shoreline habitat with the Shetland wren.
  10. The birds regularly recorded nesting on these cliffs are the Kestrel, Herring Gull, Jackdaw, Rock Pipit, Starling, House Sparrow and Stock Dove.
  11. As an example of the value of this habitat a survey of Pevensey Levels in 1976 recorded 52 nesting species and included counts of 27 pairs of Snipe, 29 pairs of Redshank, 74 pairs of Reed Warbler, 196 pairs of Sedge Warbler, 165 pairs of Yellow Wagtail, 118 pairs of Meadow Pipit, and 262 pairs of Reed Bunting; Besides revealing rather more Snipe, Redshank and Yellow Wagtail than previously recorded ( see Systematic List) these counts clearly indicate the value of the marginal vegetation of the ditches for Reed Buntings, Reed and Sedge Warbler.
  12. However, Edgar Chance showed that a cuckoo using a meadow pipit's nest is nearly always attacked while she is laying.

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