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Перевод: Plato speek Plato

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  1. But a prodigious memory enabled him to retain to the end of his life a total recall, whether of a text of scripture or a line of the Iliad or a passage in Plato's Dialogues .
  2. According to "realist" theories, such as those of Plato and Aristotle, besides the particular things we perceive, there are "universals" which are essentially general.
  3. Almost the most enjoyable thing of all is Lewis's ability to find traces of the "old world" - beliefs which go back to Isadore of Seville or Macrobius or even as far as Plato - surviving in the pages of Fielding, Johnson or Wordsworth.
  4. Our teacher then was R. H. S. Crossman, and the subject, "If Plato Lived Today".
  5. He wondered how Plato would have advised him.
  6. For Plato perceived God to be immutable, incorporeal, nameless, transcendent beyond all time and space.
  7. Thanks to their extensive plagiarism from the Old Testament, Clement argued, Plato and the Greek philosophers had found out many true things and expressed them in beautiful language.
  8. He speaks, too, of properties which Plato and Socrates "share", and of their "similarity" to each other, and this again seems to reintroduce an element of realism.
  9. To one pagan philosopher of Justin's age Plato was only "Moses in Attic idiom".
  10. Should any one ask how Plato's discernment of divine creation and even of the divine Triad could be so close to the now known truth, the answer is that he had read the books of Moses on his visit to Egypt.
  11. Even in the Renaissance the figure could "symbolise the essential oneness of the sexes" (p. 140), and, with reference back to Plato's Symposium , the recovery of an original lost unity (itself intrinsically sexual).
  12. Clearly, although he did not agree with Plato, he too was profoundly influenced by the cosmological view of time.
  13. Symmetry is the stuff of paradise: the home of Plato's perfect, regular solids.

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