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Перевод: Platonic speek Platonic

платонический; теоретический; ограничивающийся словами;
платоническая любовь; платонические разговоры; ученик Платона


  1. Justin was convinced that in the highminded Stoic ethics of human brotherhood, and especially in the other-worldly Platonic metaphysics, there was much for a Christian to welcome.
  2. When I talk about love affairs, I also include platonic love affairs.
  3. Already, the germ is present which was to flower most fully in The Last Battle : the idea of school holidays being a mere Platonic shadow of our permanent refreshment in Paradise, of our earthly homes being but a reflection of heaven.
  4. ("Platonic myth" might be more accurate, if we detach from poetry does "narrate" in a Joycean sense.)
  5. The five Platonic and 13 Archimedean solids.
  6. In The Place of the Lion , the Platonic archetypes of which objects and creatures in the world are but reflections or repetitions actually appear.
  7. Charles believes in the Platonic ideal of a healthy mind in a healthy body, plenty of exercise, self-help and positive thinking.
  8. Lovely platonic evenings, the odd kiss and fumble?
  9. Above : Initial packing of similar spheres to form Platonic solids.
  10. In a style modelled on the Platonic dialogues, Justin here interpreted Old Testament prophecies which he saw fulfilled in Jesus and in the present life of the church, already spreading throughout the known world.
  11. The cube , clearly defining a three dimensional space, is the most readily comprehended of the Platonic solids.
  12. Natalie's distraught husband, Robert Wagner, found temporary but platonic comfort with Miss Collins.
  13. She admitted that Alan, who played Jason's widowed father, and Ian, who appeared as her own step-father, were very close, but in a simply platonic way.

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