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Перевод: pleiades speek pleiades



  1. To take a single indicative example that this might be so we can turn our attention to a star cluster named by the ancient Greeks the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters.
  2. The diameter is about 15 light-years, and the leading stars in it are hot and white, so that, like the Pleiades, the cluster is fairly young by cosmical standards.
  3. The Hyades, extending from the bright orange star Aldebaran in Taurus (the Bull) cover a much wider area than the Pleiades, and are also somewhat overpowered by Aldebaran, which does not actually belong to the cluster at all, but merely happens to lie about midway between the Hyades and ourselves.
  4. The daughter of ATLAS the Titan, Maia was one of the beautiful Pleiades who appear now as stars in the northern hemisphere.
  5. And Sema Group Plc is working with Sun to put its Pleiades suite up under Solaris.
  6. Thus the Pleiades cluster is M45, while the Hercules globular is M13.
  7. On precisely the same day each year the star cluster Pleiades also first became visible in the dawn sky.
  8. The Pleiades
  9. The same advantage can be taken of star clusters like the Pleiades and the Hyades: their component stars were born from the same gas clouds and must therefore be at the same distance from us.
  10. There are even several, in addition to the Pleiades, which can be seen with the naked eye; Prsepe in Cancer (the Crab) and the Jewel Box in the Southern Cross are other examples.
  11. I picked out the Plough, and Orion, and the Pleiades, and of course the long splashing trail of the Milky Way, but that was as far as my knowledge went.
  12. The view of the Pleiades is much more breathtaking with my 7 50 binoculars than with the lowest power I can use on my large reflector, because the small field of view with the telescope means that only a small part of the cluster can be seen at any one time.
  13. Look into the evening sky at any time during northern winter or southern summer, and you cannot fail to notice the little group of stars of the Pleiades, otherwise known as the Seven Sisters.

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