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Перевод: Pluto speek Pluto

[имя собственное]
Плутон [греч.]


  1. Did you buy Tarson or Pluto of Reveille?
  2. COLBERT: Oh man, they're so far out they've seen Pluto, those guys.
  3. Many other worthwhile books were, like them, consigned to pulp or book sales because they were simply "irrelevant to the community", so as to make room for the multiple copies of paperbacks from Pluto Press and the like which the community apparently needed more.
  4. Added to this came the discovery of yet another planet - Pluto - in 1932.
  5. The Seven Dwarves may have trouble keeping their heads above water but Donald Duck is in his element as is Pluto the dogfish and his canine companion Scuba Doo.
  6. Health A difficult connection between the Sun, your ruler, and planet Pluto may give rise to backache and tension.
  7. As she ate Maltesers from the box on her knee, apparently engrossed in the antics of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or pluto her left hand seemed not to know what her right was doing.
  8. Hades was later known as Pluto or Orcus to the Romans.
  9. It is also now doubted that Pluto is really a planet at all, although, ironically, astronomers believe they have discovered a "tenth planet" named Planet X. In addition some scientists believe the Sun, like many other stars in the galaxy, may be part of a binary system and have a twin.
  10. Your personal life is threatened this week as Pluto, your ruling planet, comes under mixed influences.
  11. The eccentricities of planetary orbits are small: the Earth about Mercury about Mars about and Pluto about .
  12. Alas, he was detained in Paris where he was revealing the price to the French, accompanied by Pluto and Scrooge McDuck.
  13. They seemed to ascend two giant rainbows: Snow White and her Dwarfs, Mickey and Minnie, Pluto, Donald and his nephews, Popeye and Olive.

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