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Перевод: Plutonic speek Plutonic

плутонический; плутонов; глубинный; адский


  1. TO PREPARE MYSELF for this latest, and biggest Grudge Match, I run through the list of my opponent's useful weaknesses: overcaution, middle-pocket anxiety, last-six-colours angst, plus a Plutonic rage whenever snookered more than once a frame.
  2. Kane and Arthur Russell skid the peripheries, imply a distance from the centred subject of pop that is hauntingly suggested by their Plutonic, echoing surfaces of sounds.
  3. It seems increasingly likely that plutonic and granulitic rocks with grain-boundary carbon could have electrical conductivities as high as those deduced in many areas of the lower continental crust.
  4. Their age is unknown but at Tyndrum they appear to be related to a late Caledonian extensional phase, with plutonic activity, associated with the main E-W Tyndrum fault (Pattrick and others, 1988).
  5. Here we describe plutonic and volcanic rocks from the Cordillera Blanca complex in Peru, which have characteristics of the high-Al TTD suite but which were produced above a subduction zone containing a 60-Myr-old slab.
  6. Here are the singles that filled floors and fields throughout 1991, plus a pile of newer tunes to match; "Raise Me", "X-Static", "Playing With Knives" (thankfully not the Blue Pearl version), the mighty "Plutonic" and current monster "I'm Gonna Get You".

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