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Перевод: placebo speek placebo

безвредное лекарство, прописываемое для успокоения больного


  1. Although the CD4 counts of the 877 people given AZT were consistently greater than those of patients receiving only placebo, the first three years of follow-up have shown that the proportions of people in the two groups progressing to overt AIDS or even to death were not significantly different at roughly 18 per cent.
  2. This led to a further study where rt-PA or placebo were given first either outside the hospital or in the accident and emergency department of the hospital.
  3. These methods sections were assessed independently by two reviewers with respect to randomisation (individual, cluster, or none), use of a placebo, loss to follow up, measuring outcome blind to treatment assigned.
  4. In the three studies that have reported the natural course of the disease in placebo arms of trials of medical treatment the disease progressed in about half the patients.
  5. 11 subjects (six with low microalbuminuria, five with high microalbuminuria) were given enalapril 20 mg plus placebo hydrochlorothiazide once daily and 10 (four with low microalbuminuria, six with high microalbuminuria) hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg plus placebo enalapril once daily.
  6. This trial was a parallel, double blind, double placebo trial for one year comparing 20 mg enalapril plus placebo hydrochlorothiazide (enalapril group) with placebo enalapril plus 25 mg hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide group).
  7. Recent evidence (Johnstone et al. 1980) suggests that the superiority of ECT over placebo treatment might be short-lived, but supports its use for immediate relief of symptoms.
  8. A characteristic feature of the placebo effect is that it does not last all that long: it is usually only a matter of weeks, and two to six months is about the most that can be expected: If a patient responds to a new treatment and is still well after a year, it is unlikely to be a placebo effect.
  9. Perhaps the GMC and the royal colleges should "ensure that procedures which are potentially harmful have been validated by careful placebo controlled clinical trials."
  10. Of the patients treated within the first hour, the 21 day mortality for those who had received streptokinase was 8.2%, compared to 15.4% for those who had received placebo.
  11. Medication Imipramine (a tricyclic antidepressant, Tofranil) is the only drug that has been shown to be significantly more effective than a placebo in reducing wetting frequency.
  12. Randomised, double blind, double dummy parallel study of normotensive diabetic patients with persistent microalbuminuria (30-;300 mg/24 h) treated with enalapril or hydrochlorothiazide for one year after a three month, single blind placebo period.
  13. During the placebo period urinary albumin excretion was similar in the two groups (analysis of variance, p=0.324) but significantly lower during treatment with enalapril than with hydrochlorothiazide (analysis of variance, treatment type effect, p=0.0436).

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