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Перевод: placement speek placement

размещение; помещение; определение на должность; трудоустройство


  1. In return for the teacher placement organiser's involvement there is full support from the rest of the partnership team.
  2. Over the operational period the Teacher Placement Service has increased the levels of activity from an estimated 1,900 teachers into industry in 1989 to in excess of 20,000 in the first two years.
  3. Foot Placement
  4. Students who do not undertake the period of industrial placement complete the degree in three years.
  5. Those who successfully complete the period of industrial placement receive the additional award of Diploma in Industrial Studies and are entitled to use the designatory letters DIS.
  6. Partnership in Learning: The Teacher Placement Service and the National Curriculum , sponsored by Lloyds Bank, comprising guidelines which recognise the four key stages of the National Curriculum and address the core, foundation and cross-curricular themes.
  7. If the response is favourable a full placement memorandum, i.e. loan prospectus, is made available to participating banks.
  8. Such an approach enables active work to go on at all times, including those when no change of placement is contemplated or during periods of waiting for a suitable placement to become available.
  9. Management Option - The Teacher Placement Service has worked in partnership with Henley Distance Learning, Berkshire LEA, and Esso in producing a structured distance learning programme which includes the opportunity to examine management practice in business.
  10. Fig 62 Foot placement variables in the carve gybe: Aim: to make the back quarter of the inside rail dig in and grip.
  11. The most successful placement programmes to date have been developed from an identifiable need and developed into an accessible package which is clearly targeted with a prescribed framework e.g. Women in Management , Transition from School to Work , Information Technology .
  12. It is the quality of each individual experience which is vital to the Teacher Placement Service and how organisers do everything to ensure that the preparation, matching and follow up support is of the highest standard.
  13. Modern Languages Option In Industry Resources Pack is available free to modern language teachers taking up a placement - a collaborative project between UBI, Barclays Bank, Department of Trade and Industry and Kent Education Authority.

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