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Перевод: placenta speek placenta

плацента ; семяносец


  1. Lead passes freely across the placenta into the unborn child from the mother's blood.
  2. Poly(A) + RNA was used from the following human tissues or cells: pancreas (lane 1), kidney (lane 2), skeletal muscle (lane 3), liver (lane 4), lung (lane 5), placenta (lane 6), brain (lane 7), heart (lane 8), melanocytes (lane 9), and HEL erythroleukaemia cells (lane 10).
  3. Antibodies and antitoxins circulating in the pregnant woman's blood are passed via the placenta to the fetus.
  4. These can pass from the maternal circulation across the placenta.
  5. Throughout this period, most of the cells become progressively committed to form the tissues such as the placenta which will surround and nourish the future embryo.
  6. Those on the outside form the trophoblast which does not give rise to any structures in the embryo proper but is involved in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus and the formation of the placenta.
  7. Similarly, after childbirth the placenta is disposed of with great ritual care, since it is considered to be the solidified form of the mother's menstrual blood during her pregnancy.
  8. The placenta is usually called the flower, the child its fruit.
  9. A probe derived from DN10 hybridized to an abundant 3.4-kb transcript in poly(A) + RNA from normal primary human melanocytes (Fig. 2 b) , which is not present in human pancreas, kidney, skeletal muscle, liver, lung, placenta, heart, HEL erythroleukaemia cells or adult brain (Fig. 2 b ).
  10. She will have no natural antibodies to the infection and therefore will not have passed any such antibodies to her baby via the placenta.
  11. The likely reason is that the mother becomes immunised to the foreign antigens only by fetal bleeding across the placenta at or near the time of birth.
  12. And so on and so on for another hour and a half, sweating and dazed, until at 4.48 a.m., extremely painfully, out comes young Tom (not such a bad name; commonplace, I know), emerging head looking like a terrifically cross blue Brussels sprout, splosh go the fluids, splat goes the placenta and there he is.
  13. An analysis of vet visits reveals 56 for mastitis, six teat damage, 10 drying off, seven help at birth, 10 placenta removal, 10 reproductive disease, four ketosis, five milk fever, 10 feed-related disease, eight legs and feet, and 14 for other diseases.

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