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Перевод: placid speek placid

спокойный; мирный; безмятежный; благодушный


  1. In my experience, babies are remarkably placid through all sorts of family rows, so long as they are warm and well fed; while they will infallibly disrupt the most harmonious scene if they have a pain."
  2. In fact they were on a bridge hanging innocently above two feet of pleasant, placid water, that on this balmy summer afternoon looked inviting enough to jump into anyway.
  3. The latter features a seemingly placid English schoolmaster who is, in fact, smuggling refugees out of Europe.
  4. The bland and the placid may seem to sail through life but they are either living a superficial existence or else, like the rest of us, they experience the long shadow of despair.
  5. Placid and peaceful ponies are usually what people want for their children, and with good reason.
  6. The river is full to the brim and quite placid so we set off again.
  7. Timins's "placid little people" had indeed found the "feverish existence" he had predicted.
  8. She found Hyacinth, placid and biddable, an agreeable playmate and Mada Joyce a fine source of entertainment.
  9. Out in the Estuary, the sea was grey and placid, rocking gently.
  10. When I am settled, there is no reason why my life should not be as placid, and there is much reason why it should be far more placid, than at home.
  11. The placid equilibrium of Sergeant Bramble's existence was suddenly being put at risk.
  12. Then she must be placid and patient" (p.97).
  13. "Placid," he said.

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