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Перевод: plagiarist speek plagiarist



  1. The biography suggests that Eliot was never to lose the divided sense of his youth that human life is futile and meaningless - that man is "a finite piece of reasonable misery", in the words of William Drummond of Hawthornden, a good poet who was also a great plagiarist, and a great seeker of shelter in books - but that an eternal order might be felt for, or invented.
  2. It follows that although the man is a plagiarist, he is not a deliberate plagiarist.
  3. He would acknowledge the source - he was not a plagiarist - but his polite conversation was, he knew, poor.
  4. But to describe him as a deliberate plagiarist may overlook another, but unknown fact: that he was assured, at the time he used the material, that the originator's consent had been forthcoming.
  5. Yet for all his protestations at being a plain old wordsmith, and a plagiarist at that, Asimov displayed one of the most dynamic imaginations in the sci-fi business.
  6. There is no way in which he can free himself from my control, not unless I lose my nerve or allow him to be abducted by some plagiarist, and not unless I allow any of my own present personal dilemmas connected with my own personal escape to lodge unbeknown to me in the words which make up this fictional character.
  7. Like Chatterton, Peter Ackroyd is, in the words of his novel about Chatterton a "great Parodist", a "great Plagiarist".
  8. The book depicts Eliot as a parodist, a plagiarist, a responder to other people's poems, and as a seeker of shelter.

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