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Перевод: plagiarize speek plagiarize

заниматься плагиатом


  1. In this ethnographic imperialism if in no other way, the cultures anthropologists study and plagiarize gain their revenge.
  2. Thru and Amalgamemnon "plagiarize" texts from other authors, whereas Textermination abducts their characters.
  3. There would be nothing, in principle, to prevent an ex-employee computer programmer writing a similar program by the exercise of his own mental effort provided he did not simply plagiarize his previous employer's program.
  4. "I would ask however that the next time you attempt plagiarize said that you take the opportunity of confirming your remarks to someone you know rather than one you purport to."
  5. Tried not to plagiarize too flagrantly.
  6. The word "plagiarize" (meaning originally "to kidnap") makes this explicit: Mira denounces the sexist bias of The Histories by quoting the text selectively, cross-examining it, altering it to suit her purpose, and interweaving it with bits of the radio news.

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