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Перевод: plaice speek plaice



  1. First run of plaice and some sizable dabs from Hayling Bay out to Dean Tail and along to the blocks at Southsea Pier.
  2. Flounder are the principle species taken from this shallow venue although bass, eels, pout, rockling, plaice and the odd cod do show.
  3. In the early twentieth century the historian Porter recorded that fish caught between Bull Point and the Tavy mouth included plaice, sole, dabs, flounders, brill, bass, pollock, herring, mullet, gurnet, sprat, eels, pout, ray and conger.
  4. All fresh and frozen fish, eg cod, plaice, herring, mackerel.
  5. Plaice, cod, huss and skate are all caught locally.
  6. The odd plaice show throughout May along with bass and a few early silver eel.
  7. Cod, plaice, sole and turbot have long been the chief catches in the deep-sea fishing grounds of the North Sea, and the trawler, with which Grimsby's name is synonymous, was introduced in the nineteenth century to drag a wide-mouthed net along the sea floor, to catch these so-called "ground fish".
  8. "I pay cash on delivery for fish, which the fishermen like, so they always call on me first and we get super turbot, mussels, scallops, sole and plaice here."
  9. LEFT: Painter and decorator Kevin Barton latched into this early 2 lb 14 oz plaice during a session at Lepestone Point in Hampshire.
  10. The menu is sharply to the point: three kinds of fish - haddock, plaice, halibut - dipped in the secret Ramsden batter and fried in beef dripping, airy and crisp, plus sliced bread and butter and a pot of tea-bag tea.
  11. Kathleen Lavender's hands hovered above the dish of buttered plaice, uncertain what to do.
  12. The fish hawkers on the beach stalls opposite sell plaice still flapping, straight out of the sea.
  13. Southwold to Brightlingsea poor with flounder and dabs plus occasional sole and plaice from estuaries.

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