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Перевод: plaid speek plaid

плед ; шотландка (ткань)


  1. As he climbed up from the rowing-deck onto the poop, he tossed back the great plaid and turned a bleak gaze on his clansmen.
  2. Plaid Cymru itself was distinctly half-hearted on the issue.
  3. Labour would hope to rely on the combined votes of the Liberal Democrats, the Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru.
  4. He laughed again, his face twisted in disgust and grief, and a strange relief, and swept out, his plaid swinging.
  5. Mary McCulloch and big Mary went straight along to the Duke's house with their loads of food and as they went in the Duke came out, dressed in a long plaid of turquoise blue, and had a quick low word with them.
  6. Without wishing to underestimate the aspirations of the Scottish National Party or Plaid Cymru, it is unlikely that such complications will colour Britain's political map in the foreseeable future.
  7. Menzies asked a grey-haired man who stood bundled up in his plaid, tall and erect as though he was ready to take root.
  8. "Come on now, mind my beasts," a drover would say, standing up among the Golds of the plaid in which he had spent the night and putting on a practised tone of wheedling grievance.
  9. At Crown Alley, beneath the archway facing the Ha'penny Bridge, a tinker lady was begging as usual, her baby peeping from a plaid shawl.
  10. On December 7th, it was Reagan's particularly flashy plaid jacket that distracted him.
  11. She was wearing a plaid dressing-gown that her Dad had left behind: it smelled like an old dog and was as scratchy and heavy as wearing a carpet.
  12. In Wales, one of their veteran MPs, Mr Geraint Howells, lost Ceredigion and Pembroke North to the Welsh Nationalists, Plaid Cymru.
  13. He raised his left hand to touch and grasp Lachlan's plaid.

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