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Перевод: plainness speek plainness

простота ; понятность ; очевидность ; прямота ; некрасивость


  1. Also, a woman could find plainness confirmed, or watch her beauty decay.
  2. Leapor dreams of escape from plainness; she dreams of being elegant, even beautiful.
  3. It still seems to me that the acting critics of poesy are for the most part incapable of looking for more than one thing at a time, having got started about 1913 (I mean a few of "em got started about 1913 and a lot have started since) to look for a certain plainness and directness of speech and simple order of words; and having about 1918 got started looking for Mr Eliot's rather more fragile system (a system excellent for Mr Eliot but not very much use to any one else), they now limit their criticism to inquiring whether or no verse conforms to one or other of these manners, thereby often omitting to notice fundamentals, or qualities as important as verbal directness and even more important than "snap".
  4. Nearer Bordeaux, home of the greatest wines, food has an aristocratic plainness.
  5. The studied plainness of diction in these poems of country life was an important part of their experimental character, but became the object of much ridicule.
  6. So it's with added comprehension that a reader of On the Look-Out can approach the taut ferocity of Sisson's early poems and the sombreness of those more recent, the jarring plainness of his Divine Comedy and other such translations, the savagery of his two gaunt novels, and the war against fashion-induced mediocrity waged by Sisson the literary critic.
  7. Robert Hooke urges in his Micrographia that "the science of nature has already too long been made only a work of the brain and fancy: It is now high time that it should return to the plainness and soundness of observations on material and obvious things."
  8. Falck shares a plainness and Englishness with Cope, but his stock in trade is not so much memorability of phrase as an absolute fidelity to primary feeling.
  9. The facts are the facts, and I am compelled to record them with a plainness of detail which in the end offers the only means of extending that small degree of compassion, or perhaps even understanding, which all men in whatever circumstance or however degraded should not be denied.
  10. Convinced of his own plainness, Graham is here engaged in taking Jenny out and making a mess of kissing her.
  11. When I was at Shrewsbury School, the housemaster made it his duty to chose the cooks, maids and bottle-washers; his criteria being age combined with an aggressive plainness.
  12. What prompted blunter speaking we do not know, but there was to be no lack of plainness in the English memorandum drawn up on the 31st.
  13. On stage, Euripides's plainness is both promising and exposing.

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