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Перевод: plaint speek plaint

сетование; плач ; стенание; иск ; жалоба ; исковое заявление


  1. A familiar plaint: no jobs for the young
  2. Once the request and the particulars of claim have been filed and the appropriate fee paid, the district judge must enter a plaint in the court record and, for a fixed date action, fix a return day on which the pre-trial review is to take place or the action is to be heard.
  3. Curtis Price ingeniously suggests that the singing actress for whom this song was written might have left the company by 1693; but on the omission of the Plaint he does not comment.
  4. An action is defined as any proceedings in a county court which may be commenced as prescribed by plaint (CCA, s 147(1)).
  5. The lars and lemures who moan with midnight plaint
  6. Outside, before his grief had time to clot, the wind yearned a different plaint, but it didn't matter.
  7. The new number would certainly supply it: it is the famous Plaint - only six lines of text, but six or seven minutes of very slow music in Purcell's best melancholy manner.
  8. "When I have often heard" is in the 1692 word-book; the Plaint is on a single-sheet insert bound into the 1693 word-book, with a few lines of dialogue to cover the joins.
  9. Finally, another of the "new" songs, the famous Plaint, "O let me weep, is not in the manuscript at all (as Shedlock noted), nor was any space left for it; and the score also lacks "When I have often heard young maids complaining", a song that was in the first version of the show and actually published in 1692, in a slim volume entitled Select Songs in the Fairy Queen .
  10. These have been partly filled in by the composer himself, but though the extra music written for Act 1 in the 1693 revival is included, neither "When I have often heard" nor "O let me weep" the famous Plaint is to be found in it.
  11. There's a fine oboe solo, too (the more I hear this slow movement, the more I hear the Brahms as role-model): again, the balance throws a pleasing emphasis on to the string harmonies, the oboe plaint evocatively distanced from our seat mid-stalls.
  12. That ended the Registrar's connection with Rich's plaint.
  13. This (promise) is the despairing final plaint of a lifelong Wodehousian who realises that the Master can never be convincingly translated to the small screen.

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