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Перевод: plait speek plait

коса ; складка ;
заплетать; плести; сплести; закладывать складки


  1. I don't know where he is, I'll smash his head in when we get home, taking care to use the rolling-pin, then I can tell the judge I was just rolling out the sausage plait when he took me unawares.
  2. You could attach a bootlace from the last mane plait to the top of the bridle to keep the bridle on in case of a fall.
  3. Alison had seized hold of Franca's long plait of dark hair and drawn it out from behind the chair.
  4. Doyle did not let go of the girl's plait, but he jerked at it, to make her sit down.
  5. Just before Christmas when she was twelve, she had her hair plaited in a hundred little plaits with a bead on the end of each plait.
  6. We plait her tail, never pull it and she is ridden in every sort of class usually winning or being placed in working hunter pony, Riding Club Horse, show-jumping, cross-country, show hunter pony and anything else we care to enter her for.
  7. In one case it stretched to below a woman's knees and in another the pubic hair was gathered into a tasteful plait that reached behind her back.
  8. She had drawn her fair hair high into an elaborate plait down the back of her head and fastened it at the bottom with a wide tortoiseshell clasp: it looked distinguished and competent, but nowhere near cuddly.
  9. Venez, s'il vous plait.
  10. Though her hair was not quite dry Franca began to plait it very fast, letting a long thick plait materialise between her nimble hands, then tossing it over her shoulder and letting it hang down over the back of the chair.
  11. Skinny and ginger, with a plait?"
  12. A skinny, cross face with freckles and a thin, sandy plait.
  13. But these are not just shoelaces - use them to be different; plait, twist, braid or cord them for a variety of looks and purposes, from bracelets, necklaces, hair bands, bag cords or to brighten up a pair of trainers.

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