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Перевод: plane speek plane

плоский; плоскостной;
плоскость ; проекция ; грань ; уклон ; уровень ; самолет ; несущая поверхность; крыло; бремсберг ; рубанок ; струг ; калевка ; гладилка ; мастерок ; платан ; чинар ;
пар`ить; планировать; скользить; путешествовать самолетом; строгать; настрогать; скоблить; обстрогать; выравнивать; выколачивать


  1. The novel itself foregoes many such touches which aren't quite true because they betray a teasing Svidrigailov-like zest, or, if you prefer, counterzest; just as, on the secondary plane, Lebyadkin's reply to the man who tells him to stop getting drunk is wonderfully funny but wrong.
  2. These early half-length versions, like close-up details of the original, also investigate compositional qualities, the slight angle of the torso to the picture plane and the relationship of head and wig to shoulders, as well as emphasising features which are to become increasingly fetishised in subsequent renderings - the massive wig, for example.
  3. You'd better get yourself on a plane tomorrow morning and get it!"
  4. Hauser and Ernst (1989 b ) have also reformulated the initial-value problem for the colinear case as a Hilbert problem in a complex plane in two different ways.
  5. Her stomach lurching in sympathy with the plane dropping down fast towards Bangkok convinces her dully that it's she who's done it: left England, friends, comrades, ways of seeing, the easy labels of self-definition.
  6. The resulting trail is similar to the vapour trail of a high flying aircraft, showing where the plane, or atomic particle, has been.
  7. The radio said contact with the plane was lost during a severe sand storm in the evening.
  8. In plan, extend any vertical plane until it cuts the picture plane, PP.
  9. The thrust is shown on the map, Fig.7, as also is the wide zone of rocks affected by the movements on the thrust plane.
  10. This jig allows wooden T-square blades to be made or reconditioned, using a conventional plane.
  11. Very plane graphics
  12. As the plane hangs in darkness over a net of lights far below, Kate looks in amazement at her new sandals and the label on her hand luggage.
  13. He has ruled Panama since General Torrijos's mysterious death in a plane crash in 1981.

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