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Перевод: planer

строгальщик ; продольно-строгальный станок; выколотка ; дорожный утюг


  1. This is the company's only power planer in this market.
  2. Where a power planer is required, then the Pro-Range's 1901 is the machine to have.
  3. Just as importantly, the shape of the FP20 SA means that the planer can't be used for making rebates.
  4. Another witty idea comes from Roger Planer with his Zen And The Magic Of Roundabout Maintenance, (Fantail, 4.99).
  5. I shot the longer edge down on the planer.
  6. Leave enough for one careful pass on the planer.
  7. Doubtless the door helps for extra length over the planer
  8. Nigel Planer appears in the jokey I, An Actor at Hampstead Theatre.
  9. It comprises model 6092 DWK Drill/Driver; model 1901 82mm Power Planer; model 3620 Plunge Router; model 4320 Jigsaw; model 500 140mm Circular Saw; and model BO4510 Palm Sander.
  11. We were very impressed with the noise suppression on this planer, as most planers tend to be as noisy as routers.
  12. This is the only planer we have tested so far that gives instructions on grinding cutter blades and overall user-servicing (including the replacement of carbon brushes).
  13. As the mysterious man following Blackeyes, Nigel Planer speaks at last, though he has damn all to say.

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