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Перевод: planetarium speek planetarium



  1. The London Planetarium no longer strikes one with quite the same sense of awe, because planetariums are no longer new.
  2. It was only incidentally a timepiece. primarily it was a mechanical representation of the universe, a kind of planetarium.
  3. Heather Couper recalls the early days of London's Planetarium
  4. MANY HAPPY returns to the London Planetarium - 25 years old this weekend.
  5. The Planetarium was built in 1929 in the style of a classical temple.
  6. Going south down Corso Venezia, away from Porta Venezia and the Lazzaretto, you will reach the Planetarium, which lies within the public gardens.
  7. Under the urban direction of Radio 4 broadcaster John Ebdon - he of the "distinctive dark-brown voice" according, that is, to the planetarium's press handout - the London Planetarium is very much a peculiarly British institution.
  8. But the London Planetarium has not lost its heart.
  9. THIS WAS the last rally, the last speech and the last chance for the Tory faithful to enjoy the John Major planetarium experience.
  10. As a result, the London Planetarium remains approachable, fallible and human.
  11. (Price has called the Tower of Winds "a sort of Zeiss planetarium, of the classical world".)
  12. Within the garden boundaries are not only the Natural History Museum, the Planetarium, the City Zoo and the Palazzo Dugnani, but also the small hill of Monte Merlo, several springs, a lake and ten monuments to important Milanese inhabitants of the nineteenth-century (the Top Ten, as it were.)

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