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Перевод: planking speek planking

доски ; обшивка досками


  1. The planking and the underlying ribs thus formed a rectangular trellis with no diagonal bracing or shear members.
  2. There is no doubt that swordfish have succeeded in piercing the bottom planking of boats, but if any were ever sunk in this way is unknown.
  3. Bremer's box of coins is (ineffectually) hidden in a large hole in the planking which supports the pallet, and this contains 84 GCs, 115 SSs, and 132 BPs.
  4. Hens and geese were picking around in two small haystacks and fleets of tiny yellow chickens were half hidden beneath some planking and under the foundations of some rickety sheds.
  5. Plywood and hardboard sheets, which are usually V-grooved to represent planking, are nailed through the grooves using fine pins, and the holes are filled, using a coloured filler.
  6. A stout table is made of rough planking approximately 32in square.
  7. 2 He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long-gone pride and he put it against the fish's agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff, and started to pass the boat, long, deep, wide, silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water.
  8. At Robertsbridge coaling was merely one branch of a complex operation which produced cordwood for fuel, as well as inch-board, ship board and planking, which of course kept numerous sawyers busy.
  9. He edged down some unsafe planking in the harbour to poke his hand into the ocean and recoiled with the cold of it.
  10. The evidence actually tends to be ambiguous (West 1969; Jones 1979b) as indications of timberwork at the lip of the pit may be connected with the superstructure and planking in the base may have fallen from the walls or roof lining.
  11. Two brown pelicans flapped past as I began shaping the broken ends of Masquerade 's shattered planking.
  12. The point of all these arrangements was that the flexible caulking could accommodate shrinking and swelling of the planking, and to some extent movement of the hull, without leaking very much.
  13. She ducked beneath the concrete walkway and strode along an avenue of makeshift stalls lashed together from pipes and planking, weaving a path between the strolling browsers.

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