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Перевод: plankton speek plankton



  1. Furthermore, the lake ecology is now upset, and the waters are becoming eutrophic, with a build up of algae and dead plankton.
  2. In addition to the permanent plankton inhabitants, huge numbers of animals use the plankton as a nursery - a source of easy food for their offspring - and as a medium of dispersal for the young forms.
  3. Minerals well up from the depths as the ocean strikes the land, which phytoplankton use as nutrients, and vast shoals of anchovies (anchoveta) live on the plankton, to provide one of the richest fisheries in the world.
  4. The most specialized dental structures of all are probably the baleen plates of the largest whales, modified for straining plankton from sea water.
  5. Among the most important multi-cellular plankton dwellers are two kinds of crustacean (distant relatives of crabs and lobsters) including copepods and the euphausiid shrimps known as "krill".
  6. Fish of various sizes feed on the plankton (and on each other), and themselves are food for larger predators, such as seals and many whales, and man.
  7. The plankton
  8. Hence there is more plankton.
  9. Because the creatures of the plankton individually are small, they are not always visible to the naked eye.
  10. Some groups of animals found in nature are simple "associations" assembled either through overwhelming influences of nature, such as tide-washed plankton on a sandy shore, or through responses to temperature or light held in common by all participants.
  11. During the larval cycle, prawns change their diet dramatically, from plant plankton to animal plankton and finally to the creatures which live in the sediment.
  12. Creatures that float near the surface of the seas are called plankton.

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