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Перевод: planner

планировщик ; проектировщик ; плановик ; топограф


  1. This chapter reflects these aspects of context and the interrelations between them, and further emphasises the diversities, the inequalities and the conflicts within systems that a curriculum planner has to deal with.
  2. We can help you plan your business from our selection of hotel and travel guides, which include the FT World Hotel Directory and the Travel Planner Guides to Europe and N. America .
  3. Interestingly, the department consisting of a single planner has his only service, Textline, on his desk.
  4. But whether this would justify any course planner, supervisor or head of department placing the title on an advisory reading list, I very much doubt.
  5. One planner commented that he had difficulty in knowing where and who to approach to seek advice on how to find information.
  6. It is scarcely possible that the most incisive speaker and planner should have had to drive himself up to Newcastle for a meeting the other day - and in a car without a telephone.
  7. Each planner is continuously exposed to data from general reading, particularly of newspapers and journals.
  8. The panellists include Colin St John-Wilson, architect of the new British Library, Leon Krier, urban planner and architect of the Prince's Dorchester Project.
  9. As well as being an architect, he is a chartered town planner, and is specially qualified in building conservation.
  10. Policy maker and planner: determining values, establishing aims and objectives, prioritising and communicating them.
  11. This was the central theme of the Griffiths Report (1988), but the suggested solution - the separation of "purchasers" and "contractors" in order to create a quasi-market - may not be the complete or only answer and may actually impede the flow of information from consumer to service planner.
  12. To manage such a spread of ability is one of the most delicate tasks a curriculum planner has to undertake, yet there arc means, too seldom explored, of providing extra support for weaker teachers and extra ideas for innovative ones.
  13. Major problems are found with the loss of "hands-on" work by the planner himself or herself; and there were comments on the difficulties in delegating and communicating the particular needs for information.

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