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Перевод: planning

планирование; землеустройство; проектирование


  1. There are two sorts of risk to take into account in planning care with a client and family where there is mental impairment (Davies and Challis, 1986, p. 327).
  2. Davies (1972), on Newcastle, and Dennis (1972), on Sunderland, both show how council officials acted almost independently over issues of urban redevelopment, their actions being governed by a vague notion of the type of planning needed to produce "a good society" - hence the title of Davies's book The Evangelistic Bureaucrat .
  3. The survey by accountants Price Waterhouse and Manchester Business School says definite signs of recovery include a greater degree of confidence in sales growth, and a rise in companies planning to increase capital expenditure.
  4. The plaza was a place for nocturnal meetings, although the majority were of a far simpler, far older kind than two men planning international espionage.
  5. Indeed several schemes in their very early stages, like the current hurried reorganisation in Ghana, and the plans announced in 1977 for curriculum revision in Cameroon, carry in their very planning, like a Greek tragedy, the seeds of eventual disillusion.
  6. And her husband Steve, who had been planning to treat her to a new look for her birthday, wholeheartedly approved of her dramatic transformation.
  7. Unless and until more knowledge is gathered concerning the aspirations, capabilities and limitations of schools and the people who work in them, and until sufficient flexibility is built into syllabus planning to allow for the necessary variations that are inherent in planning and providing learning for different people in different contexts, the gap between prescription and reality will remain an unconscionably wide one.
  8. Spender star turned pop person Jimmy Nail is now planning to form a part-time band with fellow Geordie Sting.
  9. The comprehensive and pervasive nature of planning makes it easy to forget that it has very little to do with private rights and restrictions.
  10. If you invest the time and money to project your programmes and ideas then you must be planning longevity, indicating staying power.
  11. In addition to this and partially as a result of it, there is little in the way of national planning".
  12. Lake District Planning Board chairman Robert Addison, agreed with the report and described the current state of the lake as "appalling".
  13. Under Pavel Bunich, these Communists for Business, as they might be called, want to reconcile entrepreneurship and planning.

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