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Перевод: plant speek plant

растение; саженец ; урожай ; поза ; позиция ; сыщик ; подброшенная улика; завод ; фабрика ; установка ; оборудование; комплект машин; агрегат ;
сажать; садить; насадить; насажать; засаживать; подсаживать; сажать в грунт; вкапывать; прочно ставить; устанавливать; всаживать; втыкать; наносить; внедрять; насаждать; внушать; основывать; поселять; заселять; усадить; пускать для разведения; приставить; подсадить; подбрасывать; бросать; ввести; хоронить


  1. You just need to increase the frequency with which you eat protein from plant sources (and slightly decrease the amount of fatty animal proteins that you eat).
  2. That the falsehoods concerned a nuclear power plant sharpened the dismay.
  3. The threat to the plant's existence is being taken seriously by the unions even though the management denies any intention to close it.
  4. Many gardeners plant up colourful tubs, window boxes and baskets for the summer, but few arrange for a similarly splendid winter and spring display.
  5. The fragrant tobacco plant ( Nicotiana affinis ) should be planted in the back row of borders.
  6. Use one plant per 5in pot, or three per 8 or 9in pot.
  7. The company's pilot plant has 15 stainless steel and glass lined reactors ranging from 10 to 200 gallons with a range of filters, scrubbers and condenser systems.
  8. The injunction had forbidden the council from publishing results of monitoring around the site of the firm's incineration plant at Pontypool, which burns chemicals, including PCBs (polychlorinated byphenyls).
  9. However "new fossil fuel generating plant" might warrant controls.
  10. Mal Gibb joined a Lancaster scheme after a degree in systems modelling at Sheffield Polytechnic and is now helping to develop computerised production at Nairn Kingfisher, a wallpaper plant on the Lancaster quayside.
  11. Let me send my offerings where I cannot go; my pains to comfort sufferers whom I will never see; and my sacrifices to help plant the Cross in lands that know not yet of the Crucified.
  12. As the name suggests this company is involved in the supply of effluent treatment plant which also includes the provision of technical support and expertise.
  13. The JV, Insilco , has a plant in Gajraula, in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India.

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