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Перевод: plantain speek plantain



  1. The colours and smells of the market were sharp: the oranges and plantain, the T-shirts, toys and tea towels bright and startling - the smells almost drowned me; and every week I visited her I learned to trust her more, dared to feel more of my feelings, instead of eating them away.
  2. Yarrow grows on the tips, and bugle, ling and heather, carline and spear thistle, foxglove, rushes on the wetter ground, birdsfoot trefoil, ribwort, great plantain, silverweed, tormentil, selfheal, meadow buttercup, sorrel and sheep's sorrel, ragwort and scabious.
  3. Lawnmakers of the green baize persuasion often make rude remarks about my weed infested grass, yet compared to a true meadow, mine is a tidy, close-cropped carpet of grass, speedwell, white clover, dandelion and plantain - to name the dominant species.
  4. In Madeira the plantain ( Musa paradisiaca ) which is very good in cooking has been grown since the island was first settled.
  5. There's a shrubby plantain, Plantago cynops , that makes a hairy mound with recognisable plantain heads poking out, and huge red trumpets of an Incarvillea delavayi to add a sudden burst of colour.
  6. Trees that bear plantain fruit and nuts.
  7. President Mobutu's face nods on her behind as she pounds plantain in an ebony mortar and then slices the yellow dough with cotton thread.
  8. An almost universal game was "Soldiers" played with a stalk of plantain: "Let's play soldier ' s" was the usual invitation to play.
  9. I can't remember now, but I still love it and continue to be amazed every time I see it in a catalogue for it seeds itself as freely as any common plantain.
  10. Often the winner could go into battle many times with the one sturdy "soldier" as there were some stems of the plantain which (according to a veteran Uist player) were "like grizzled warriors and would knock out hundreds!"
  11. The greater plantain ( Plantago major ) is known as Saint "Patrick's bowl".
  12. Great plantain trample community (Lolium - Plantago major) in similar places to the last.

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