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Перевод: plantation speek plantation

насаждение; плантация ; внедрение; колонизация ; колония


  1. Another magistrate, Sir John Cape of Bramshill, sentenced one of their number in his court, and found acres of his new plantation destroyed.
  2. Richard Howell of Sheppards, the London stockbrokers, has been following tea and plantation shares for 20 years.
  3. Even a large plantation of 200 to 6000 hectares usually has only two or three suitable nest sites.
  4. On reaching corner of hedge, right of way proceeds quarter left, aiming for left-hand side of small conifer plantation just in front of which cross footbridge and proceed to left of plantation to pick up track leading uphill to village of Bag Enderby (a).
  5. Alum Pot is straight ahead in a plantation of trees and is reached on foot in a few minutes, arriving there simultaneously with Alum Pot Beck which enters the plantation and disappears into the depths.
  6. Also on Friday, there is a Haslemere Club trial at Waverley, near Farnham (10.30 a.m.) and the North Hants Club's annual Gordon Farley Cup trial at Star Hill Plantation, Elvetham (10.30 a.m.).
  7. When I finally caught up with him at Crazy Joe's Plantation Village, he was in a resigned mood.
  8. Not until he was several minutes within the house did Moran leave the plantation.
  9. In fact, experienced professional tasters are even able to pinpoint the exact plantation beans are from.
  10. We hired a truck and a driver and explored the island, jolting along rough wet roads through an endless banana plantation.
  11. Revenue was up, expenditure too and some young trees, notably 30 birches and limes were planted between the 12th and 14th, also the "plantation" (now a copse) between the 14th and 15th, and the bushes behind the 2nd, plus many others.
  12. We are going to go to parliament to ask the men in power there to force those wicked plantation owners to give up their slaves!"
  13. But all these are shown to be birds of mature woodlands, while some warblers and Yellowhammer emerge as birds of scrub or young plantation and edge.

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