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Перевод: planter speek planter

сажальщик ; сажалка ; плантатор ; кадка для пальмы; ящик для комнатных растений


  1. Two runners-up will win Bradstone Riven paving and Cotswall walling to construct a planter seat, an instant way to add colour and character to the garden.
  2. "the old French portion of the town" described, and the "excellent" Planter's House Hotel, AN 12; its dwelling-ground, "Bloody Island", AN 13.
  3. "He outstrips the categories we keep invoking for him, such as "doyen of the Ulster poets" or "conscience of the planter tradition".
  4. In other situations this doctrine will be considered an anathema, for example in the Assemblies of God it is fairly common for a church planter to have secular employment.
  5. To do this, your pre-raised seedlings must be pricked out into 3in pots, roughly the shape and size of a bulb planter.
  6. Ms Ferguson's family, traced back to the illegitimate son of an English planter and a slave girl, is constantly present in the texts, photographs and recipes.
  7. Colonel John Custis of Williamsburg, a wealthy Virginian planter, was also advised by Collinson to purchase a copy of the Dictionary , a "work of the greatest use" and one which "no lover of gardening ought to be without".
  8. John's youngest son, Azariah, backed Monmouth in the rebellion and was banished to the West Indies, where he became a sugar planter.
  9. On his return home in the late 1950s he did a stint as a tea planter in Assam, before becoming an executive with a private firm in Bombay.
  10. As one church planter has said: "When Jesus comes back, I want to be doing something for God, even if it's only making mistakes."
  11. Of course, if you have a young family and feel water might be a hazard, the feature could become a raised sandpit or planter, which naturally gives you the opportunity of converting it at a later stage.
  12. He praised the Bishop of Llandaff for his enlightenment as a land owner but the Bishop, who lived at Calgarth, was an enthusiastic planter of larch trees.
  13. Botanists suggested that by some felicitous intuition the Italian planter had chosen specimens with properties that facilitated each other's growth.

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