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Перевод: plasm speek plasm

плазма ; протоплазма ; гелиотроп [бот.] ; зеленый халцедон


  1. And he explained why he saw August Weismann's theory of the continuity of the germ plasm as the most promising foundation for any such integration.
  2. Bateson resisted the claim that the gene was a material entity, but soon the more materialistic geneticists were arguing for a modified version of Weismann's germ plasm theory in which the gene was a segment of the chromosome responsible for transmitting a particular character from one generation to the next.
  3. Several authors have suggested that ageing should be confined to organisms with " a clear distinction between soma and germ plasm".
  4. There's a subtle poison in the germ plasm we receive, "Arquebus.
  5. There is a special kind of cytoplasm, called the pole plasm, already present at one end of the fertilized egg.
  6. The Lamarckian effect did not work, and the only conceivable mechanism of evolution was the natural selection of variations arising spontaneously in the germ plasm.
  7. This meant that characters acquired by the adult body could not be incorporated into the germ plasm and could not be inherited.
  8. He proposed a theory in which the germ plasm was totally isolated from the adult body that transmits it to future generations.
  9. If for any reason no cells are formed containing pole plasm - and this does sometimes happen - the resulting flies are sterile for life."
  10. In Rifkin's words, "whoever controls germ plasm, and therefore genetic engineering, is now as important as who controls oil."
  11. He argued that they consisted of a material substance, the "germ plasm", which transmitted characters from parents to offspring via the nucleus of the egg and sperm cells.
  12. Weismann's germ plasm theory, that inheritance of characteristics was genetically determined, Galton's stirp theory and work on hereditary genius, and the biometric work on population statistics, appeared to give empirical verification to the societal implications of Darwin's theories.
  13. As the egg is divided up into a large number of cells, a group of cells at one end come to contain this special pole plasm.

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