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Перевод: plaster speek plaster

штукатурка ; гипс ; пластырь ;
штукатурить; намазывать; покрывать; выштукатуривать; подштукатуривать; грубо льстить; накладывать пластырь; обстреливать


  1. "We gathered up most of the decorative bits, and put them back into lime plaster."
  2. Many ornate plaster ceilings will have to be recreated, wallpapers reproduced, silk hangings rewoven and the staircase rebuilt.
  3. Beneath the embossed title "Scotland", an unfortunate eagle flew "by wire" above a painted heathery hill, swooping over the cloth glen on some startled creatures clustered on the plaster earth.
  4. The villagers and their plaster statue were pursued across Penhill, the statue being damaged on the way and burnt at Grassgill End where it was finally captured.
  5. Three days after that, a plaster jacket was fitted from her shoulders to her hips.
  6. Stretching to her full height, she slapped the plaster on the sides and undersurface of the beams, and on the lengths of roof exposed between them.
  7. The Gothic and Baroque buildings in the centre of town seemed somehow to reflect the gloom with their peeling plaster and crumbling faades: a once-proud city of towers and spires, balconies, alleys and doorways, with the university - a jumbled collection of yellow buildings and small courtyards - standing on a rock above the River Morava gazing severely down on a gold-domed Russian Orthodox church, now boarded up, its green roof tiles slipped and broken.
  8. The interior is covered with plasterboard which is then skimmed with plaster so that when the house is finished it is impossible to distinguish visually between this and the traditional structure where the load-bearing walls are solid brick or concrete blocks.
  9. Then, of course, we had to plaster it using the right kind of plaster."
  10. No one was to be allowed to approach the body, although Bracy Clark, with the assistance of a London artist (though to be Flaxman, 1755-;1826) took a plaster of Paris death cast of his face.
  11. Use strips for cracks in plaster
  12. Raddled nets trailed at grey window-panes, flakes of plaster flecked the bare boards, newsprint, piss-yellow with age, scrunched at her feet.

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