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Перевод: plasterer speek plasterer



  2. I was a plasterer.
  3. From 14 April 1931 down to September 1933 the Socialists held three ministerial portfolios: Indalecio Prieto occupied the Finance ministry in the Provisional Government and later the Ministry of Public Works; Fernando de los Ros was Minister of Justice; and the Ministry of Labour was occupied throughout by the general secretary of the UGT, Francisco Largo Caballero, a former plasterer who had left school at seven and was later to be Prime Minister of the wartime Republic.
  4. The plasterer dressed in his working clothes of fustian splashed with white lime, seen in the Little Dorrit illustration saying goodbye to the Father of the Marshalsea, managed to settle with his creditors after only a week.
  5. A JOBLESS plasterer moved into a 100,000 farmhouse on 140 acres of land yesterday after proving he was the love-child of a wealthy farmer.
  6. simple, good-natured plasterer, living in Bleeding Heart Yard, always seeking work but seldom finding it.
  7. The music stopped with a roll on the drums and an accidental "toot" from the saxophonist, who was a painter and plasterer to trade.
  8. (Plasterer's wife)
  9. Self-employed plasterer Clive Jones of Bow, East London, upheld the theory and gave the lie to Harry Enfield's overpaid plasterer character by charging 70 for a minimum of eight hours - 9 an hour.
  10. Plasterer Steve's hat-trick of sorrows began as he clambered into his car outside his home at Sherborne, Dorset, late for the kick-off.
  11. First comes the plasterer's trowel or steel float, with which you actually apply the plaster to the wall.
  12. Previous jobs Plasterer and labourer

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