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Перевод: plastic speek plastic

пластичный; гибкий; послушный; податливый; пластический; лепной; скульптурный; пластмассовый; пластиковый;
пластмасса ; пластик ; пластичность


  1. A small plastic squeeze bottle type is cheap and effective, and aerosols with injector nozzles are also available.
  2. The GX-7 is a small plastic box measuring some 12cm x 6cm x 3cm with a minimum of controls: two rotaries for Drive and Level and a bank of eight miniature switches to set up the gain and simulation modes.
  3. A couple of bins tilled with skipping ropes, tennis balls, a few plastic bats, a football and even some homemade stilts help keep children happy.
  4. We'd found cornflakes in a plastic container in the cupboard.
  5. The only visible wood is in the cocktail sticks, decking is metal plating and cups are plastic.
  6. The Galaxie's black plastic casings are tough enough to withstand knocks, and fit comfortably in the hand.
  7. Honeycomb-shaped plastic fitted into all areas of the midsole.
  8. So please put her mind at rest and tell her it's not plastic, but some other product that's not a danger to us, because we'd love to have them back please!
  9. However, if the unit is likely to receive a great deal of use a higher capacity type (such as six HP7 size cells in a plastic holder) would probably be a more economic means of powering the unit.
  10. This is the plastic one.
  11. Moreover, the quality of much of the facia and control plastic was rather hard and crudely textured.
  12. Now that we have the practice of dustmen only collecting plastic bags that you have to place outside your residence, you have to be sure that you are capable of doing that.
  13. And in each hand she had two heavy plastic carrier bags of shopping; they cut into her hands and threatened to split.

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