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Перевод: plasticity speek plasticity

гибкость ; пластичность


  1. CABARET VOLTAIRE: Plasticity
  2. The blocks are produced because andesite lavas are so viscous that they flow as plastic, rather than liquid, materials and consist of an outer chilled surface of solid rock with a steady progression towards increasing plasticity in the hotter, central parts of the flow.
  3. For example, plasticity seems to depend on identifiable ion channels and catalytic molecules that activate or inhibit these channels.
  4. The problem with this approach is that it doesn't allow for the possibility that there are additional cellular mechanisms of plasticity in mammals, that have evolved to underpin our greater learning abilities.
  5. Several categories of NMDA receptor-dependent plasticity have been identified.
  6. Alterations in this component could provide a means by which synapses increase their plasticity, as well as their efficiency.
  7. The presence of these responses in hemispherectomized infants as young as 8 months and within 3 months of surgery, argues against any need for long-term plasticity, or acquisition of a special strategy, in order to use this subcortical route.
  8. Plasticity occurs in two forms.
  9. In the end, the overriding motivation for studying synaptic plasticity in the brain is the hope of gaining an understanding of the physical basis of memory in health and disease, and it is the nature of the link between LTP and memory that is likely to provide a major focus for research in the future.
  10. In the past 10 years, LTP in the hippocampus has become the dominant model of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in the mammalian brain, and much progress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms underlying its induction and expression.
  11. Wax as a modelling medium does certainly have the advantage of making sharp and fine decoration possible, but it could be argued that fine clay, at the right degree of plasticity, is more useful.
  12. Under normal conditions of plasticity, if the internal and external stresses are not balanced, the form will either expand or contract until equilibrium is achieved.
  13. Alongside this, there has been growing awareness of the plasticity of the nervous system and of the extent to which the "hard-wiring" of the wetware of the brain is itself modulated by the brain's own experience.

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