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Перевод: plated



  1. They were fitted with special locks, and the roof, sides, ends, and floor were plated with steel.
  2. These latter (Ornithischians) include some animals that walked on their hind legs like Tyrannosaurus , but with vegetarian habits ( Iguanodon , the first dinosaur to be discovered); the group also includes various types of vegetarian armoured and plated dinosaurs, often shown in pitched battle with their carnivorous contemporaries.
  3. All are of the greatest interest, and any plated animal from the Cambrian is likely to be an important specimen.
  4. The sides were double-skinned and armour plated with splinter-proof shutters to their windows.
  5. The second example has no joins in the outer skin, only a copper-silver alloy coating, indicating that it was plated with molten metal rather than foils.
  6. Made in England by the Manuscript Pen Company Ltd , sets contain an elegant, black wooden pen holder, six gold plated nibs, accessories and an introductory leaflet.
  7. Croydon cars already had cushioned seats of the highest standard on both decks and chromium plated handrails, so that they required less modification than the ex-L.C.C. cars rebuilt at the same time.
  8. The other side of the headstock sports a set of gold plated, Gotoh-type machineheads and an Allen key holder, both in gold.
  9. Frank Page of Loughborough University won first prize in the materials science category of the tenth annual Polaroid international photomicrography competition, for his micrograph (above) depicting ultra high velocity jet plated gold.
  10. ARIA ZZB Deluxe bass, Explorer shape, black and yellow zebra stripe, gold plated hardware, good condition plus hard case.
  11. In the control cavity, which, like that of the two-PP9 battery compartment, is covered by a smoked perspex plate, we find the wonderfully neat Tamtec double-sided, plated circuit board, neatly cut to fit the cavity perimeter.
  12. I should add that some of the most interesting echinoderms are also some of the rarest - peculiar, plated animals that do not fit comfortably into the array of living forms.
  13. There are actually two 650 guitars: this one, the 650A Atlantis, and the slightly more expensive 650E Excalibur, which features the same through maple neck, but with headstock and body wings of African vermilion, and gold plated parts all round.

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