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Перевод: plateful speek plateful

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  1. It came in an exquisite Spode tea service, with a silver sugar-bowl and a plateful of hot buttered toast with Gentleman's Relish or honey, on a large melamine tray designed, Roland saw, to slot into the arms of the wheelchair.
  2. It is a picturesque favourite of visiting party leaders: those present remember fondly Sir David Steel's manful attempt to smile over a plateful of cockles during the 1987 election.
  3. Consider a plateful of baked beans on toast.
  4. When, a few minutes later, madam's pancakes were brought, she ate her way through a plateful of stodge with brisk fortitude which would not have disgraced a squad of Irish navvies.
  5. Cold ham, pickle and a plateful of crusty bread and butter.
  6. At the time of my infarct I was three stone overweight, smoked 60 cigarettes a day, hated health food; my idea of a perfect dinner was a plateful of greasy cholesterol.
  7. The day after the Dent Blanch we indulged in a prolonged breakfast of copious coffee, yesterday's paper and a plateful of croissants before joining the tourist throng on the Montenvers railway.
  8. The senator represented a beef-rearing state and never forgot to extol the benefits of a plateful of bleeding home-grown American steak, while in private, as I had learned when he and his wife had chartered Wavebreaker , George Crowninshield rarely touched red meat.
  9. I eat carefully, my heartbeat quickens nervously when the portions offered are too big, and at the same time I'm trying not to draw attention to my small plateful.
  10. Don't keep pushing too hard for the cherry on the cake or you may well end up with nothing left but a whole plateful of crumbs!
  11. It is like trying to get a firm grip on a plateful of pudding.
  12. There are others who aren't even dancing: one who has just gone over to the veranda and plunged his hand into the vat of boiling oil so he could offer a hot puri to a child in tears: another who is standing in the midst of the dancers being continually buffeted as they come and go, and hungrily eating a plateful of raw rice grains.
  13. When I was unable to finish the heaped plateful, the waitress expressed concern that I had not enjoyed one of their local specialties; two, I felt, would have killed me.

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