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Перевод: platelet speek platelet



  1. For this reason and others (reviewed by MacIntyre, 1981), including studies with antagonists, desensitisation experiments and measurement of calcium ionophore activity, it is thought that platelet activation by prostaglandins and thromboxanes is receptor-mediated although a suitable radiolabelled ligand is not available for definitive demonstration (MacIntyre, 1981).
  2. It has become possible to measure plasma levels of -thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 which are specific platelet proteins (Niewiarowski, 1977; Moore et al, 1975).
  3. In addition, the emerging information regarding the properties of the platelet-derived growth factor argues for an important role in the atherogenic process of this platelet -granule constituent.
  4. The earliest finding is the platelet adhesion to collagen fibres followed by aggregation and formation of a platelet plug.
  5. They resemble actin filaments found in other contractile cells such as muscle, and platelet actin has a 100-fold excess over platelet myosin (Pollard, 1975).
  6. These authors found that oral administration of aspirin was associated with inhibition of platelet prostaglandin synthesis and suggested that this finding might explain the known effects of aspirin in inhibiting the platelet-release reaction and in prolonging the bleeding time (Quick, 1966).
  7. On the other hand, platelet sensitivity to ADP was exaggerated in retinopathy patients studied by Khosla et al and was significantly greater than that in diabetics without retinopathy (Khosla et al, 1979).
  8. In addition, mural platelet thrombi can occur during passage of anticoagulated blood through artificial extracorporeal systems (Richardson et al.
  9. Gryglewski et al (1978) incorporated collagen strips into extracorporeal circuits in animals and showed that prostacyclin brought about disaggregation of platelet aggregates formed on the collagen strips.
  10. Since it is cleared from human plasma with a half-life of 100 minutes (Dawes et al, 1978) an elevated plasma -thromboglobulin level may be a useful indicator of enhanced in vivo platelet activation and "release reaction".
  11. Other studies have measured "spontaneous" platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma and whole blood in vitro using a variety of techniques but mostly involving agitation by stirring.
  12. Whether platelet endo-peroxides have a proaggregatory role in their own right or only when converted to thromboxane A 2 has been the subject of many studies (Bunting et al, 1983).
  13. Platelet-specific protein levels have been compared in diabetics with and without clinical evidence of vascular disease (Betteridge et al, 1981), and although there was a more pronounced increase in diabetics with retinopathy, those diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease still had higher levels of platelet-specific proteins than controls suggesting that the enhanced platelet activation may not just be a consequence of vascular damage but may precede its development.

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