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Перевод: platen speek platen

стол ; столик ; валик ; тигель


  1. Check operation of cut-sheet feeders, cleaning platen and take-up rollers as necessary.
  2. In the sedimentation tube technique the particles are released simultaneously from the water surface, a process achieved by holding a 2-;5 g sample on a platen by means of a wetting agent and lowering it into the water surface.
  3. On the contrary, the poetry of Von Platen, Mrike and Heine attests the continuing influence of ancient Greece at a high level of poetic achievement.
  4. The sheet of paper is not stretched over a rubber roller or platen as it would be with an impact printer but a sheet of metal.
  5. Steel panels have to be fabricated separately, with size limitations set by platen size and press tonnage, and then welded together.
  6. Old Bill was downstairs checking paper-stock, and young Willie was cleaning the smaller platen.

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