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Перевод: plating

листовая обшивка; покрытие металлом; золочение; серебрение; никелировка


  1. He had been stripped naked in the oil store, where the incident had occurred during their very first month as apprentices, and his clothes triumphantly borne aloft to the plating shop to be washed in one of the hot water tanks.
  2. The plating is carried on in eight vats, one each for silver, nickel and black nickel, two for brass plating, and three for copper plating.
  3. If the edge of the plating does not provide enough information, a minute flake of plating, as small as 1 sq mm, can be mounted on its end in an epoxy resin for easy handling.
  4. Plating
  5. The only visible wood is in the cocktail sticks, decking is metal plating and cups are plastic.
  6. Not all plating was of precious metal.
  7. When viewed at high magnification with an optical microscope or scanning electron microscope, much is revealed about the plating technique which is simply not visible on the surface of the object.
  8. They contain very low levels of alloying elements, particularly lead, which can dissolve in the amalgam layer and leave unsightly grey patches in the plating.
  9. State-of-the-art deposition facilities include magnetron sputtering, reactive ion plating, ion-assisted deposition, electron beam and thermal evaporation, and RF and DC sputtering.
  10. It has been designed to meet the needs of an average plating job.
  11. leaving a thin surface plating of gold.
  12. As the foil plating was thicker it may have been found more durable than mercury plating.

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