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Перевод: platitude speek platitude

банальность ; плоскость ; пошлость


  1. Not since Harold Wilson prattled on about the white heat of the technological revolution - or some similar meaningless platitude - and launched Concorde, has there been so much talk about innovation and our intellectual heritage.
  2. That at least some of them do so is a platitude.
  3. The remark could be no more than a pious platitude, but the context allows a more specific reading: that the council had agreed to accept the nominal rule of the young king.
  4. One could perhaps compare The Oak , by the Rev. John Keble: to see how Wordsworth can still avoid lapsing into utter platitude and sentimentality.
  5. At best, or so it was thought, it would give the United Nations some muscle to stop governments doing terrible things to their peoples; at worst it would serve up a forest of platitude.
  6. "Beware of sugar-coated bullets," warned Chairman Mao in his Little Red book , not realising that today's politics is tomorrow's pop platitude.
  7. It's an easy platitude, a constant appeal: "excellent grasp of the song structure", "well-crafted", "wry", "observant lyrics".
  8. He wrote that he expected to find "ideology and purpose," but mostly discovered "cynical platitude and intellectual laziness."
  9. I sense his slighted dignity and mouth some platitude about boys being boys the world over.
  10. She ignored the somewhat patronising platitude.
  11. It is already a platitude to say that "governments must carry their peoples with them."
  12. Referring to "active citizenship" as defined by Douglas Hurd, he wrote: "As a platitude it has much to commend it.
  13. People in my trade are supposed to be able to help, but I've only been able to come up with the old platitude: "Don't buy a 500 car from a dealer because you'll only get 100 worth of vehicle - the rest will be profit."

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