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Перевод: platypus speek platypus

утконос [зоол.]


  1. The male platypus possesses on its hind legs a large, reversible spur.
  2. Confined to eastern Australia, the platypus spends virtually its whole life in freshwater streams.
  3. However, the male platypus also makes use of it when competing for territory along a river, although its effect on rival males is not known.
  4. One must remember, too, that Patrick Barrington's literary platypus was herself employed in the Foreign Office!
  5. The platypus, along with its cousins the echidnas, is an egg-laying mammal yet suckles its young on milk!
  6. The duck-billed platypus is an even more astonishing animal.
  7. I had a duck-billed platypus when I was up at Trinity,
  8. Certainly when the dingoes and their human companions first arrived in Australia the poison-spurs of the platypus found a valuable use as defensive weapons against the new invaders.
  9. The only other type of mammal to employ chemical warfare is the duck-billed platypus.
  10. The platypus always seems a Lear-like creature; and the creator of that splendid rhyme
  11. The male of the duck-billed platypus has sharp poison-spurs on its hind legs.
  12. The mystery with the platypus venom is why it evolved.
  13. On the backs of the ankles of the male platypus there are horny spurs.

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