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Перевод: plausibility speek plausibility

правдоподобие; вероятность ; благовидность ; умение внушать доверие


  1. Though of course Mller-Claudius's "sample" was hardly a representative one, the responses have more than a ring of plausibility about them, and, coming from Nazis who had been in the Party since before Hitler's "seizure of power", can be extended a fortiori to "non-organized" Germans.
  2. If the monkey is strongly preferred, then the reasoner will need to evaluate the plausibility of elephants eating monkeys.
  3. The examples of conscription and taxation were intended to give the dependence thesis some plausibility, and in particular to disprove the suggestion that dependence is the mark of adjudication.
  4. From the point of view of an application system carrying out final plausibility checks, CLE- I logical forms emerge one at a time, with no scoring information attached, and the application must decide which one to accept using an essentially binary, absolute plausibility test.
  5. Rees-Mogg's answer to the question of why his name had such appeal for Downing Street during the eighties has an undramatic plausibility about it.
  6. He makes the reasonable point that the upholders of traditional positions might achieve a new plausibility if they could be seen actually arguing for them, rather than merely asserting them.
  7. The choice of electricians or estate-agents in the elliptical clause affected the plausibility of its interpretation in the following way.
  8. This allows him, for instance, to speculate on the plausibility of a form of reincarnation, which enjoys a large following in the psychic, paganism and the occult.
  9. This effectively gives a much smaller "weight" to reference resolution than to other parts of the system; two interpretations that differ only in the referents they assign to anaphors will be much closer together in the sequence of structures presented to the plausibility checker than two interpretations that differ only in some other respect, such as an alternation of word senses.
  10. Despite its initial plausibility, however, this approach has the main disadvantage that the ultimate end - if it is there at all - tends rather too easily to get lost in the detail of policy.
  11. This time we have by no means exhausted the resources of invention, but these possibilities contain perhaps enough plausibility to be getting on with.
  12. Every shift towards plausibility which Mr Kinnock has led the Labour Party into making has received a version of the same response.
  13. Reference resolution and plausibility checking.

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